Words and the Magical Law of Attraction

By Robert Zink

Think about the words you choose to describe something you are going to do, or something you want.  Words are the tool by which we take thought and give it form.  Words are important when it comes to magic and miracles, because the right usage of them sets of a chain reaction in the universe.

The ancient mystics who wrote about the Law of Attraction knew this.  They knew the value of words.  Alexander the great knew it too, when he hid the original Emerald Tablet of Hermes so that no one would ever find it.  You see, Alexander the Great used the secrets of the Law of Attraction as taught in the Emerald Tablet to conquer the world.  

.  Here is an example that will change your results in your attraction action.  “I want.”  This indicates you don’t have it and that likely you never will.  Want  is a weak word.  “I expect”.  The word expect indicates a sense of certainty.  Inner certainty ignites the universe into action.

Here is what I would like you to do.  I would like you to make a list of words that you believe ignite the Law of Attraction into action.  I will do the same thing and we will compare on my next blog. I look forward to it.

Peace and Prosperity,

Robert Zink

The mentor of Light

Miracle Mentoring and Alchemy Life Coaching.




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