3 tips that will help you attract love into your life now.

Invoke the Law of Attraction to invoke true love

By Robert Zink

The real nectar of life is love.  When you’re in love there is nothing that can compare with the dreams, hopes and visions you hold in your mind.  Love is good, no love is everything. 

I have worked with people that have so much in their life.  They have money, cars, boats, but they do not have love.  When someone is going unloved, it shows, and there is no way to hide it.  They try to hide it with make up, new suits, hair colors or fancy cars, but none will  hide the truth.

Fortunately the Law of Attraction can rescue a broken heart, a lonely heart, and an empty soul.  The law of attraction can and will bring you joy, happiness and most importantly love.

I don’t care where you are, who you are, what you are, there is someone who deeply wants to love you.

Ask about Miracle Mentor and Alchemy Life Coach, I work with people from every walk of life who want to attract love into their life.  Here are three tips that will open up the LOA gate in your life:

1.  It is you right to be loved.    I believe everyone has a right to be loved.  If you choose to behave in ways that are counter to love, then you may not have forfeited you rights, but you gave up your privilege.  We must think, act and behave in ways that empower love, and when we do this, we automatically begin to attract love.

2. Love always responds to love.   This is a major truth that most people don’t seem to get.  When you begin to direct your life from love, live as one values love above all else, and then you will begin to see love making a lasting appearance in your life.

3.  Polish the fruits of love and make them shine.  What are the fruits of love?  They are little things like caring, respect, loyalty, and honor.  Take the time to take inventory to insure that the fruits of love are shinning.

I believe you will have the love you want when you begin unlocking the secrets of the Law of Attraction.  You deserve a Miracle.  I invite you to take advantage of 30 minutes of Miracle Mentoring and Alchemy Life Coaching at no cost. Send me e-mail.

Peace and Prosperity,

Robert Zink

The Mentor of Light


P.S.  Be sure to register for my Word Press blog.  Everyone that register has a chance to receive a FREE 6 set CD program called the GUARANTEE.  I do a drawing about once a month.

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6 Responses to “3 tips that will help you attract love into your life now.”

  1. Attract Love into Your Life | My Seventh Heaven Says:

    […] From: Robert Zink […]

  2. Reverend Doctor Victoria A. Howard Says:

    Hatred is a decision, love is a destiny. Many of the people in my neighborhood have decided to hate me because I am unmarried. I was a spouse of Christ in the Roman Catholic Church, but that made them hate me and I am surrounded by horrid vibes. I myself am at a very high vibration, because in spite of the weight of the hatred, I am flourishing as a writer and thinker. I left the church I was attending because of the hatred. My family has abandoned me; my brothers hate me because I am a success as a writer. PublishAmerica, a traditional publishing company has decided to take my books and I don’t have to pay at all. My family also hates me because I achieved status as a Reverend Doctor. Isn’t sad when people act this way? They don’t hurt me, they hurt themselves. Hatred is a heavy burden, while when you love, you can fly. One day I will move closer to the Golden Dawn centers so that I can commune more easily with my colleagues. I am looking forward to being an active member.

  3. gloraj Says:

    please help me to learn something in my life & i will be remember you always that you will be a my master always

  4. si Says:

    want to attract love and my soulmate

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