Archive for April 23rd, 2011

An Easter messge of personal transformation

April 23, 2011

By Robert Zink

My blog is short this Easter weekend.  My message is timeless.  We can transform ourselves into whatever we choose to become.  Part of the Easter message is about dying to the old way and transforming to the new.  It is the story of alchemy.  In alchemy we take grapes for example, and transform them into a fine wine.  The same can happen to you.  It is a choice.  We can choose to live in old habits, old beliefs, old thought patterns or we can die to the old and resurrect to the new.  We can change, we can transform, and we can co-create our own life and live a life that is extraordinary.

I am blessed to see this everyday.  I see people transform, change, grow, evolve, EVERYDAY.  This is what Miracle Mentoring and Alchemy Life coaching is all about.  It is about opening yourself to your higher potential, your personal power, and the Law of Attraction.

You are alive now, this is your time. The choice to transform is always yours; it belongs to no one else.

Peace, and Light,

Robert Zink

Miracle Mentor and Alchemy Life Coaching